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Une nouvelle version du référentiel SecNumCloud est mise en ligne aujourd’hui dans le cadre d’un appel public à commentaires.

Elle s’inscrit dans la lignée de :

  • la stratégie nationale pour le Cloud annoncée mi-mai 2021 par le ministère de l’économie, des finances et de la relance, le ministère de la transformation et de la fonction publiques et le secrétariat d’Etat chargé de la transition numérique et des communications électroniques ;
  • l’élaboration du schéma de certification européen relatif aux prestataires de cloud, et plus...
TOR entering the MatrixTOR entering the Matrix Vendredi 15 Octobre 2021, 22:58

For a long time, the Tor community has been running many day-to-day activities using the IRC network known as OFTC. IRC has worked out well for us, and our community on IRC has been evolving over the years with new people joining in and new channels appearing for specific needs in the organization.


Today we are happy to announce an expansion of the Tor community's day-to-day conversations by bridging our IRC community the Matrix platform. For regular Tor users, it means that you can chat with us using a friendly App like Element.


We are now announcing the list of...

Interplay Entertainment announced today they're updating many of their classic titles to support Linux. A lot of it of course is thanks to the excellent free and open source DOSBox, which allows thousands of classic to play on modern systems without much hassle.

First of the announcements was that Battle Chess 4000 is now available on Steam, and it comes straight out of the gate with builds setup for Linux too. On their Twitter, Interplay mentioned:

As part of the drive to bring our classic pool of games to an entirely new generation of gamers, we will also update...